Why is this Happening to Me Again? An Interview with Dr. Michael Ryce

Written by C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCamelot

Would you like to learn how you can live forever...and find peace and well-being too? Dr. Michael Ryce hasrepparttar answers...

On first impression, Dr. Michael Ryce left an indelible mark on my perception of both metaphysical and physiological ideologies. Enamored by his overall intelligence, I found myself wrapped in a superimposed philosophy about life, death and overall spirituality. A pioneer and driving force behind Heartland, a self-healing sanctuary inrepparttar 101341 Ozark Mountains of Missouri, Dr. Ryce explained what drove him to convey his methodologies of spiritual mentorship and teaching.

Born to his mother who had toxemia, Dr. Ryce suffered for over 20 years with debilitating physical problems. It was at one point in his life that he 'took a look aroundrepparttar 101342 world' and knew he had to do something about it. Attaining doctorates in Naturopathic Medicine, Holistic Philosophy and a background in electronics, business and theology, Dr. Ryce became a 'teachers' teacher and a healers' healer.'

A professional and dynamic speaker, Dr. Ryce not only holds positive workshops and seminars aroundrepparttar 101343 country, he has been featured on both television and radio as well. When I asked him about his journey in life, he responded, '...the Journey has been eclectic....'

But what makes Dr. Michael Ryce so special, one might ask. Dr. Ryce is onrepparttar 101344 mission of a lifetime to lend tools to self-healing in all aspects of individual lives. What tools? He elaborated onrepparttar 101345 panoramic perception ofrepparttar 101346 masses and precisely explainedrepparttar 101347 physiological dynamics and differences between religion and spirituality; and reality versus actuality.

To better comprehend his philosophical and proven theories, Dr. Ryce concluded, Reality isrepparttar 101348 'real' world within ourselves. Actuality isrepparttar 101349 'insane' world around us. When we are able to perceptually definerepparttar 101350 difference, it is then that we begin to have an understanding of how to achieve better overall health and well-being through forgiveness torepparttar 101351 self - in reality.

In further paralleled explanation, Dr. Ryce elaborated on howrepparttar 101352 'Passion ofrepparttar 101353 Christ' has been misconstrued over time. By all accounts, most individuals would seerepparttar 101354 Passion as one of sacrifice and promotion of suffering. But before he told me this, he asked me, 'How do you define passion?' Of course, offrepparttar 101355 plane of consistency, I responded that Passion to me is my life's fulfillment, to be able to write and convey poignancy to those around me, to find purpose in my life... thus is my passion. And then as I finished my sentence, Dr. Ryce said, '...exactly,repparttar 101356 Passion was meant to showrepparttar 101357 end of suffering, and that Jesus came to put an end to suffering...' When He (Christ) emerged fromrepparttar 101358 tomb, he was unscathed and alive. He came back to show that no matter what amount of 'actuality' occurred, thatrepparttar 101359 reality was that He had overcome it.

Energy Systems are eternal, he told me. Based on scientific research, energy systems do not die. They continue to live. What allows human beings to physically die isrepparttar 101360 fact that we have become bound to sin. But what exactly is sin? According to Dr. Ryce, sin is an acronym for Self Inflicted Nonsense. So what do energy systems,repparttar 101361 Passion ofrepparttar 101362 Christ and SIN have to do with living an eternal, healthy, happy life? In society, we accept learned conditioning that has been handed down from generation to generation. We have accepted that we must suffer, sacrifice and avoid sin to make it into Heaven. Not exactly.

The Dangers of Peer-to-Peer Systems

Written by Dee Scrip

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems do not operate on secure lines, thus providing a conduit for hackers to enter a network or computer, access personal and confidential information, as well as deploy viruses or worms. Users of P2P systems are prime targets and/or launching points for malicious hacker attacks simply because it requires downloading and sharing electronic files or programs, not to mention usage on publicly open and interpretable industry standard protocols and industry standard codec.

A Staff Report submitted byrepparttar Government Reform Committee ofrepparttar 101340 U.S. House of Representatives (May 2003), entitled “File-Sharing Programs and Peer-to-Peer Networks – Privacy and Security Risks”, stated that users of these programs have inadvertently made their personal information available to other users. “A search of one P2P network found at least 2,500 Microsoft Money backup files, which storesrepparttar 101341 users’ personal financial records, available for download.”

Personal information includes tax returns containing you name, address, and social security numbers of not only you, but your spouse and dependents, financial information such as income and investments, medical records, business files such as contracts and personnel evaluations, and attorney-client communications, to name a few.

Spyware and adware programs are frequently bundled into P2P file-sharing software. These programs collect personal information for marketers and provide access to your computer by malicious hackers. In an article located on Vnunet.com entitled “Users Fume at Grokster ‘Drive-by Download’”, these two programs “…can redirect a user’s homepage to a different website, install a new browser toolbar, insert entries intorepparttar 101342 users’ browser bookmark list, reinstall itself after uninstallation, and ultimately crash a user’s system.”

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